How To Register At
Why To Register At ? Everyone in this world have one talent or another. But most of them are not able to search for a platform to showcase themselves. So Here We present a platform which will help all the talented artists like Dancers, Models, Singers, Musicians, Rappers, Composers, Bboys , Parkours Or Any Other Unique Talents. This Platform lets Talented People show their talent to the World and Grab Many Opportunities. How To Join ? Step 1 :- Open and Click "Create An Account" On the top of the page to Sign Up. Step 2 :- Fill the required Details In the Registration Form and Click "Sign Up". You can also Sign In with your social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram & LinkedIn. Step 3:- Upload Your Profile Picture & Add Your Location. Step 4:- After Signing Up, Now its time to complete your profile details. Afte...